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Our Quality Policy
In order to guarantee above all the satisfaction of our customers who are part of a quality approach. The company's orientations cover the following aspects:
The company excludes the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers on its crops during production but includes the use of organic pesticides and fertilizers (compost, potting soil etc.)
In the maintenance of its crops, the company excludes the use of chemicals except in the specific case of chemical weeding, the use of which is done at relatively low doses to compensate for manual efforts.
Product processing must meet hygienic standards as a minimum, and each employee must be equipped with this PPE (personal protective equipment) at the risk of dismissal without notice after numerous warnings.
Processing and conditioning until packaging must comply with the national or international standards in force before any shipment.
The company is committed to ensuring that each product must be subject to laboratory quality control, certification or labeling after 3 years following its creation.
The company excludes the use of commercial feed for its animal and fish production but favors the use of waste or plants from its plant production.
The company will provide its services for the distribution and treatment of water and gas.
To build customer loyalty, the company is committed to implementing an effective communication system in order to have permanent feedback on customer satisfaction or non-satisfaction.
The company is committed to having its own distribution channels for its products in the event of delivery or order.
Each production unit must be subject to internal and periodic audits with regard to the management and treatment of its waste.
To maintain the motivation of its staff, the company will begin to pay bonuses for people who have done exactly 5 years within its structure.
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